Saturday 12 January 2013

Hawkie hawkie

Regular readers of this blog will know that it is unusual for me to post anything at the weekend but today has to be an exception. The morning was very slow after a rare evening out yesterday and whilst showering just before midday my phone plinged with a rare bird message. There was hard stuff available in Oslo and in Maridalen no less! Now, you would have thought that after visiting two dealers yesterday that I would be sated but that is never the case with Hawkie especially when it is available on your local patch. Five minutes later I was clothed and in the car.
The bird was very easy to find as it sat on top of a tree close to the beaver dam. This area is the only area in Maridalen with old school “classic” Hawk Owl habitat of an old forest clearing with dotted trees remaining. This bird was therefore the same as yesterdays in that it shunned roadsides and telegraph poles and wires. As I had, in my haste, only put on shoes and not boots I was unable to get close to the bird as the snow was too deep but I hope the bird will hang around into next week. There has been a real recent upsurge in records around Oslo indicating a new invasion is occurring and I doubt this is the same bird as was present at the end of November. I just hope there is enough food around for them to remain into the spring.
Hawk Owl (haukugle) in Maridalen. Taken with 150mm zoom
Using the 500mm zoom

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